(Jun 2022 - Present)
FullStack Developer
Facebook Groups, OnlineJobsPH (freelance)
constcoder={name:'Arzel John Zolina',skills:['React', 'VueJs', 'Laravel', 'PHP', 'MySql'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
A self-taught Web Developer passionate in developing website thru coding . I am quick learner and always eager to improve my tech skills. Coding gives me a wonderful feeling of achievement and joy which I cannot explain in words.
(Jun 2022 - Present)
FullStack Developer
Facebook Groups, OnlineJobsPH (freelance)
(Jan 2022 - Present)
Self Employed
Code and build something in everyday.
Muslim Affairs Office Information System
constproject={name:'Muslim Affairs Office Information System',tools: ['VS Code', 'Laravel', 'Breeze', 'PHP', 'Tailwind', 'Bootsrap', 'Node JS', 'Google Authentication', 'Github Authentication],myRole:Fullstack Developer,Description: Me and my team built an Information System in our Muslim Client. This System is responsible for posting News, Events and Complains to be Settled in Office of Muslim Affairs at Tupi South Cotabato.,};
Green Space
constproject={name:'Green Space',tools: ['Vs Code', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Bootsrap', 'Node Js', 'TypeScript', 'MySQL', 'Infobip', 'Email Notification],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: I have rebuild and developed a full-stack web app for Environments including here the posting of Natural Resources, Tree Planting.,};
NJC Clinic
constproject={name:'NJC Clinic',tools: ['PHP', 'Bootsrap', 'Paypal Sandbox', 'Gcash Sandbox', 'Mysql],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: My team and I developed a system for NJC Clinic. This system is responsible for handling the appointments in any kind of dental problems. My role here is to add a payment option and fix the users accounts problems.,};
2024 - Present
Bachelor Degree of Infomation Technology
South East Asian Institute of Technology
2023 - Present
Full Stack Development
GoIT Philippines
2018 - 2020
Technical Vocational Livelihood
Southern Institute of Technical Education
Copyright 2023 - Arzeljrz